The Honeycomb Trilogy tells the story of an alien invasion of earth over the course of 20 years, all from the perspective of the same living room. This epic story primarily follows two siblings, Ronnie Cooke and her younger brother Abbie Cooke, and chronicles a primal conflict – at once intimate and global – that will redefine the nature of the human race.
Astronaut Bill Cooke returns from the first manned mission to Mars bearing secrets and illicit cargo. Now his wife and teenage children are all that stand between Bill and a shocking action that will alter not only their lives, but also all of humanity.
Picking up twelve years after the events of Advance Man, Blast Radius follows a sister and a brother at mortal odds in an Earth radically changed by an alien occupation. Ronnie leads a desperate human insurgency that might have finally found the weapon that will turn the tide – at a terrible cost. Abbie, who has allied himself with the conquering alien race, may have found a chilling solution that will end human resistance for good. Action-packed and emotionally charged, Blast Radius is the story of a family and a world at war with itself.
Picking up eight years after the events of Blast Radius, Sovereign completes the story of a sister and a brother at mortal odds in a radically changed Earth. The alien race that has ruled the Earth has fallen to Ronnie’s rebellion, with the few remaining survivors on the run. The human race is slowly rebuilding all over the world. Ronnie is now the battle-scarred governor of what used to be Florida; everyone’s hero and no one’s friend. Until one night, when Ronnie’s soldiers smuggle into her office the greatest war criminal in the world: her brother Abbie, the foremost human ally of the extraterrestrials. When dawn comes, the people of Ronnie’s settlement will certainly discover him and rip him to pieces. As Ronnie grapples with an awful decision about what to do with the man she hates and loves in equal measure, Abbie makes one last desperate move, forcing a confrontation that will forever change the future of the human race.
First produced in 2012 by Gideon Productions in NYC as individual plays throughout their season, they produced them again in 2015 in rep, including “Binge Days” on Saturdays and Sundays when audiences could buy a ticket to see all three epic parts in one day. (Read a collection of reviews of both productions HERE) To my knowledge they have never been produced in rep outside of that 2015 production in NYC.
OUr Production
In December 2022, the City of Houston, through the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs and the Houston Arts Alliance, awarded producer and director Andrew Roblyer a $15,000 grant to produce all three plays in Houston in the summer of 2023. Over 50 local artists have signed on as part of the project, and rehearsals begin May 15th. More details and tickets coming soon, but in the meantime…
Read comments from the Houston Arts Alliance Grant Panel HERE.